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Post-secondary school is expensive. And if you’re a student living on residence, then your cost-of-living is even higher.

Throw in the late nights, handful of assignments, and maintaining a social life and you later find there are some strange “essentials” you can’t go without.

Having a USB stick with plenty of storage will allow you to do everything like printing, transporting files, and protecting files, which is crucial for a constant student on the move.

1. Instant noodles

This is the quick-fix for hunger. You can argue that pot noodles are a life saver whether you live on residence or not.

Nothing is worse than pulling an all-nighter on an empty stomach. Waiting for the residence cafeteria to open in the morning seems too long of a wait, plus no one is delivering at this time.

All you need is a microwave and some water and you’re good to go. Instant noodles are a tasty and affordable way to ease your hunger—just don’t get too attached to it since it lacks in nutritional value.

2. A friend with lecture notes

This, once again, can be applied for both residence and non-residence students.

We all have our sick days and family emergencies. So it always helps to know (or be) that friend who’s always looking out, and ready to fill you in on what you missed in class.

3. USB

This may be the most important item—at least academically speaking. Especially on residence, you’ll find yourself anywhere from the lecture hall to a friend’s dorm to a computer lab.

Having a USB stick with plenty of storage will allow you to do everything like printing, transporting files, and protecting files, which is crucial for a constant student on the move. A pro-tip is to keep it with you at all times. Keep it somewhere accessible, like in your backpack or attached to your keychain.

4. Coffee

This is what gets you through the dreaded all-nighters. Caffeine is to a student what gasoline is to a car. While pulling an all-nighter, there are more times than none that you go without eating, so a strong energy boost is just what you need.

Coffee will give you that needed boost to complete assignments and study for last-minute tests—although, it’s never a good idea to have too much coffee or completely rely on it.

5. Netflix

This is a popular pick for everyone, and you don’t need to be a student to love it. The almost unlimited number of movies and television shows are great time-killers. They’re especially awesome for the days when all you want to do is stay at home and relax.

It’s an affordable entertainment hack, but just watch out for your internet bill as Netflix is only streamed through internet-connected devices.

Consider it a guilty pleasure you just can’t live without.

Photos: sevendeman/Thinkstock

college students, university students, student life, campus life